суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

bob huggins

I knew he would cause problems for me.
I just knew it.
He is like heroin flowing into my veins. The high is subsiding, but the crave is relentless.
I miss him.
Am I not good enough? Is this what love is? Canapos;t eat, canapos;t sleep, canapos;t think or put any focus into anything. He makes me smile...
I�knew he would do this. Maybe...I knew, but I hoped for a new outcome. Sometimes hope just doesnapos;t cut it. Sometimes, there is no hope.
Itapos;s not fair. I means everything to me. Does he see? Did he ever? He is on my mind almost 24/7 and I doubt that I ever cross his. What does she have that I donapos;t? Heapos;s not himself around her. He trusts me...why would he do this to me? He is the best drug I have ever taken, and heapos;s the only one I�will ever need.�I love you. I fucking love you.

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